Sealing Air Ducts from the Inside: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're looking to make your HVAC system more efficient, sealing air ducts from the inside is a great place to start. Sealing air ducts can help reduce energy consumption, improve air quality, and even reduce symptoms of allergies and asthma. But how do you go about it? In this article, we'll discuss the different methods for sealing air ducts, the pros and cons of each method, and why it's important to seal your ducts in the first place. Before you start sealing your air ducts, it's essential to check for leaks.

You can do this by holding a burning incense stick or a thin piece of toilet paper next to the duct while the system is turned on. If the smoke or toilet paper starts to move irregularly, it means that there is a leak in the duct.

Sealing Air Ducts with Putty

One of the most common ways to seal air ducts is to use a putty sealant. Putty is easy to apply and provides a strong seal that will last for years. However, it can be difficult to get into hard-to-reach areas or behind drywall.

Sealing Air Ducts with Adhesive Tape

Adhesive Tape is another popular option for sealing air ducts.

Aluminum foil tape is often used because it provides a strong seal and is easy to apply. However, adhesive tape should only be used as a temporary solution because it won't last as long as putty.

Sealing Air Ducts with Aeroseal Sealant

Aeroseal sealant is a more permanent option for sealing air ducts. It's designed specifically for use in ducts and provides a strong seal that will last for years. However, it can be expensive and may take 3-4 years to pay off the additional cost.

The Benefits of Sealing Air Ducts

Sealing air ducts offers numerous advantages.

It can help reduce energy consumption, improve airflow efficiency, and even reduce symptoms of allergies and asthma. It can also help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Hiring a Professional

If you're not comfortable sealing your air ducts yourself, you may want to consider hiring a professional. A professional can internally seal your entire duct system and ensure that all leaks are properly sealed. Contact McGowan's Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more about sealing your home or business ducts inside.

Maartje van den Visser
Maartje van den Visser

Lifelong tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Lifelong zombie fan. Amateur beer evangelist. Typical coffee lover.